Book Review:
Bad memory is a novel based around a IT security incident at computer company. When the firm is blackmailed the company needs to decide whether to pay the blackmail, to contact the police, or to call in a private security firm. As the blackmail gets bigger did they make the right choice and what will happen to the company and it's reputation?
This novel really makes a good read as the events make you think they could really happen. There is a distinct dated feel to this book, that was written when windows 95 was current. Technically most of the book is pretty accurate, although there are a few little points that are technically wrong. As an example there is a reference to a computer not having a MAC address. A computer is unable to work over an ethernet network, without giving a MAC address, although it is possible to use a spoofed MAC address.
If you work in IT security then you really should read this book, which will focus you on your job if nothing else.
Even if you are not reading the book for it's technical aspect, then it works as a good novel with a strong crime story.
Highly recommended.